The latest issue of The Regulator magazine
Our second issue of The Regulator magazine for 2024 is hot off the press.
You may have noticed a slight change to The Regulator’s schedule. We have changed the release date to align with our quarterly data so that you are always receiving the most recent data and statistics within these pages.
In this issue we examine what went wrong with Pride's crane wire failure, which led to NOPSEMA taking one of its strongest enforcement actions yet. While it was extremely fortunate there were no injuries or damage to infrastructure and the environment, several key factors contributed to this incident.
The anniversary of the fatality at the North Rankin Complex is a timely reminder of how critical safety is for offshore operations. In this article, we outline the controls which should be in place to ensure all facilities within Commonwealth waters are safe.
We also highlight the importance of petroleum safety zones, and the actions NOPSEMA takes when one of these zones has been breached. There are significant penalties for vessel owners and masters who enter a petroleum safety zone without authorisation from operators and titleholders.