
Operator nomination and registration

Under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Safety) Regulations 2009 (the Safety Regulations) an offshore facility (vessel, structure or licensed pipeline) in Commonwealth waters must have a registered operator.

Similar operator nomination, registration and deregistration provisions apply in designated coastal waters where states and the Northern Territory have made legislation that mirrors the Commonwealth legislation. The operator nomination requirements for pipelines which traverse designated coastal waters may have different requirements depending on that state or territory's regulations.

Pursuant to s2.4(1)(b) of the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Safety) Regulations 2009, NOPSEMA maintains and publishes a register of current operators.

Operator Facility Facility Types Safety case accepted ACN/ARBN/ARSN Address
Allseas Engineering B.V. Audacia Vessel Yes   Poortweg 12, Delft, 2612 PA, Netherlands
Allseas Engineering B.V. Fortitude Vessel Yes   Poortweg 12, Delft, 2612 PA, Netherlands
Amplitude Energy Ltd Basker Manta Gummy Other Yes 096170295 Level 8, 70 Franklin St, ADELAIDE, 6000, SA, Australia
Anglo-Eastern (Antwerp) NV Windcat Rotterdam Vessel No   Schalienstraat 3, 2000 Antwerpen, ., Belgium
Beach Energy (Operations) Limited Otway Subsea Pipeline VIC/PL36 Pipeline Yes 007845338 Level 15, 150 Lonsdale St, MELBOURNE, 3000, VIC, Australia
Beach Energy (Operations) Limited Thylacine-A Platform Platform Yes 007845338 Level 15, 150 Lonsdale St, MELBOURNE, 3000, VIC, Australia
Beach Energy (Operations) Limited Yolla-A Platform Yes 007845338 Level 15, 150 Lonsdale St, MELBOURNE, 3000, VIC, Australia
Beach Energy (Operations) Limited Yolla A Pipeline VIC/PL34 Pipeline Yes 007845338 Level 15, 150 Lonsdale St, MELBOURNE, 3000, VIC, Australia
Beach Energy (Operations) Limited Yolla A Pipeline VIC/PL34(V) Pipeline Yes 007845338 Level 15, 150 Lonsdale St, MELBOURNE, 3000, VIC, Australia
Beach Energy (Operations) Limited Yolla A Pipeline T/PL2-COMM Pipeline Yes 007845338 Level 15, 150 Lonsdale St, MELBOURNE, 3000, VIC, Australia
Beach Energy (Operations) Limited Otway Subsea Pipeline VIC/PL36(V) Pipeline Yes 007845338 Level 15, 150 Lonsdale St, MELBOURNE, 3000, VIC, Australia
Beach Energy (Operations) Limited Otway Subsea Pipeline T/PL3-COMM Pipeline Yes 007845338 Level 15, 150 Lonsdale St, MELBOURNE, 3000, VIC, Australia
Bhagwan Marine Limited Bhagwan Dryden Vessel Yes 009154349 Level 3, 251 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Boskalis Offshore Contracting B.V. BOKALIFT 1 Vessel Yes   Rosmolenweg 20, 3356 LK Papendrecht, Netherlands
Boskalis Offshore Marine Contracting B.V. BOKALIFT 2 Vessel No   Rosmolenweg 20, 3356 LK Papendrecht, Netherlands
Boskalis Offshore Transport Services N.V. Southern Ocean Vessel Yes   Rosmolenweg 20, 3356 LK Papendrecht, Netherlands
COSL Offshore Management AS COSLProspector MODU No   Vestre Svanholmen 4, P.O. Box 34, NO-4064, Stavanger, Norway
Chevron Australia Pty Ltd Jansz-Io to Barrow Island Natural Gas Pipeline WA-19-PL Pipeline Yes 086197757 1 The Esplanade, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Chevron Australia Pty Ltd Gorgon to Barrow Island Natural Gas Pipeline WA-20-PL Pipeline Yes 086197757 1 The Esplanade, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Chevron Australia Pty Ltd Wheatstone Platform Platform Yes 086197757 1 The Esplanade, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Chevron Australia Pty Ltd Julimar-Brunello Pipeline WA-26-PL Pipeline Yes 086197757 1 The Esplanade, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Chevron Australia Pty Ltd Wheatstone Pipeline WA-25-PL Pipeline Yes 086197757 1 The Esplanade, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Chevron Australia Pty Ltd Julimar Development Phase 2 Pipeline WA-29-PL Pipeline Yes 086197757 1 The Esplanade, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Chevron Australia Pty Ltd Jansz FCS (Field Control Station) Other Yes 086197757 1 The Esplanade, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Chevron Australia Pty Ltd WA-34-PL JDP3-JULB Pipeline Pipeline No 086197757 1 The Esplanade, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Chevron Australia Pty Ltd WA-35-PL JDP3-JUA1C Pipeline Pipeline No 086197757 1 The Esplanade, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Chevron Australia Pty Ltd WA-36-PL JDP3-JUA1E Pipeline Pipeline No 086197757 1 The Esplanade, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Cooper Energy (CH) Pty. Ltd. Casino Pipeline VIC/PL37(V) Pipeline Yes 615355023 Level 8, 70 Franklin St, ADELAIDE, 5000, SA, Australia
Cooper Energy (CH) Pty. Ltd. Casino Pipeline VIC/PL37 Pipeline Yes 615355023 Level 8, 70 Franklin St, ADELAIDE, 5000, SA, Australia
Cooper Energy (CH) Pty. Ltd. Casino to Pecten East Pipeline VIC/PL42 Pipeline Yes 615355023 Level 8, 70 Franklin St, ADELAIDE, 5000, SA, Australia
Cooper Energy (PBF) Pty. Ltd. Patricia Baleen Pipeline VIC/PL31 Pipeline Yes 615354982 Level 8, 70 Franklin St, ADELAIDE, 5000, SA, Australia
Cooper Energy (PBF) Pty. Ltd. Patricia Baleen Pipeline VIC/PL31(V) Pipeline Yes 615354982 Level 8, 70 Franklin St, ADELAIDE, 5000, SA, Australia
Cooper Energy (Sole) Pty. Ltd. Sole Offshore Pipeline VIC/PL006401(V) Pipeline Yes 613951429 Level 8, 70 Franklin St, ADELAIDE, 5000, SA, Australia
Cooper Energy (Sole) Pty. Ltd. Sole Offshore Pipeline VIC/PL43 Pipeline Yes 613951429 Level 8, 70 Franklin St, ADELAIDE, 5000, SA, Australia
DOF Subsea Australia Pty Ltd Skandi Hercules Vessel Yes 083000239 Level 5, 181 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
DOF Subsea Australia Pty Ltd Skandi Singapore Vessel Yes 083000239 Level 5, 181 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
DOF Subsea Australia Pty Ltd Skandi Darwin Vessel Yes 083000239 Level 5, 181 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Diamond Offshore General, LLC Ocean Apex MODU Yes 050122051 Unit 2, 5 Turner Ave, BENTLEY, 6102, WA, Australia
Eni Australia B.V. Blacktip Wellhead Platform Platform Yes 092812023 Eni House, 226 Adelaide Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Eni Australia B.V. Blacktip 12 inch Condensate Export Pipeline NT/PL3 Pipeline Yes 092812023 Eni House, 226 Adelaide Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Eni Australia B.V. Blacktip 18 inch Gas Export Pipeline NT/PL2 Pipeline Yes 092812023 Eni House, 226 Adelaide Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Eni Australia B.V. Blacktip 18 inch Gas Export Pipeline WA-15-PL Pipeline Yes 092812023 Eni House, 226 Adelaide Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Ensco Australia Pty Limited VALARIS JU-107 MODU Yes 100601634 Level 1, 216 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Ensco Australia Pty Limited VALARIS MS-1 MODU Yes 100601634 Level 1, 216 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Ensco Australia Pty Limited VALARIS DPS-1 MODU Yes 100601634 Level 1, 216 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Ensco Australia Pty Limited Valaris 247 MODU Yes 100601634 Level 1, 216 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Kingfish B Platform Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Kingfish B to Halibut VIC/PL7 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Kipper to West Tuna VIC/PL39 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Mackerel to Halibut VIC/PL8 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Mackerel Platform Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Marlin Complex Platform Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Marlin B to Snapper VIC/PL41 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Marlin to Halibut VIC/PL11 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Barracouta Platform Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Marlin to Shore VIC/PL2 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Barracouta to Shore VIC/PL1 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Barracouta to Shore VIC/PL4 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Perch Platform Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Perch to Shore VIC/PL21 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Seahorse Subsea Well to Barracouta VIC/PL22 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Snapper Platform Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Snapper to Marlin VIC/PL19 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Snapper to Shore VIC/PL13 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Tarwhine Subsea completion to Barracouta VIC/PL23 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Tuna Platform Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Tuna to Marlin VIC/PL10 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Tuna to Marlin VIC/PL9 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Blackback Wells to Mackerel Platform VIC/PL29 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd West Kingfish Platform Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd West Kingfish to Kingfish A VIC/PL14 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd West Tuna Platform Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd West Tuna to Marlin B VIC/PL40 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd West Tuna to Tuna VIC/PL27 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd West Tuna to Tuna VIC/PL28 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Whiting Platform Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Whiting to Snapper VIC/PL24 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Whiting to Snapper VIC/PL25 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Bream A Platform Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Bream A to Shore VIC/PL32 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Bream A to West Kingfish VIC/PL20 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Bream B Platform Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Bream B to Bream A VIC/PL26 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Snapper to Shore VIC/PL13(V) Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Marlin to Shore VIC/PL2(V) Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Perch to Shore VIC/PL21(V) Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Halibut to Shore VIC/PL5(V) Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Barracouta to Shore VIC/PL1(V) Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Barracouta to Shore VIC/PL4(V) Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Bream A to Shore VIC/PL32(V) Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Cobia Platform Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Cobia to Halibut VIC/PL15 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Dolphin Platform Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Flounder Platform Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Flounder to Tuna VIC/PL17 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Flounder to Tuna VIC/PL18 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Fortescue Platform Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Fortescue to Halibut VIC/PL16 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Halibut Platform Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Halibut to Shore VIC/PL5 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Kingfish A Platform Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Esso Australia Pty Ltd Kingfish A to Kingfish B VIC/PL6 Pipeline Yes 000018566 Level 9, 664 Collins St, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Floatel International AB Floatel Triumph Vessel Yes   Lilla Badhusgatan 2, Göteborg, 413 15, Sweden
Fugro Australia Pty Ltd Fugro Etive Vessel Yes 119991025 1060 Hay St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
GO OFFSHORE PTY LTD GO EXPLORER Vessel No 128026148 Level 3, 1101 Hay St, PERTH, 6005, WA, Australia
Havfram Pty Ltd Normand Vision Vessel No 620534330 Level 12, 197 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Heerema Marine Contractors Nederland S.E. Aegir Vessel Yes   Vondellaan 47, 2332 AA Leiden, Netherlands
Heerema Marine Contractors Nederland S.E. Sleipnir Vessel Yes   Vondellaan 47, 2332 AA Leiden, Netherlands
Helix Robotics Solutions Inc. Grand Canyon II Vessel No   Suite 400, 3505 W Sam Houston Pkwy N, Houston, 77043, Texas, USA, United States
Helix Well Ops (U.K.) Limited Q7000 Vessel Yes   Helix House, Kirkton Dve, Dyce, ABERDEEN, AB21 0BG, SCOTLAND, United Kingdom
INPEX Operations Australia Pty Ltd CPF Ichthys Explorer FPSO Yes 150217262 Level 22, 100 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
INPEX Operations Australia Pty Ltd Ichthys Venturer FPSO Yes 150217262 Level 22, 100 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
INPEX Operations Australia Pty Ltd INPEX Operations Australia Pty Ltd Gas Export Pipeline NT/PL4 Pipeline Yes 150217262 Level 22, 100 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
INPEX Operations Australia Pty Ltd INPEX Operations Australia Pty Ltd Gas Export Pipeline WA-22-PL Pipeline Yes 150217262 Level 22, 100 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Jadestone Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd Stag CPF Platform Yes 613671819 Level 2, 168 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Jadestone Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd Stag Export Pipeline WA-6-PL Pipeline Yes 613671819 Level 2, 168 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Jadestone Energy (Eagle) Pty Ltd Montara Venture FPSO Yes 627006679 Level 2, 168 St Georges Terrace, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Jadestone Energy (Eagle) Pty Ltd Montara Wellhead Platform Platform Yes 627006679 Level 2, 168 St Georges Terrace, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
MMA Offshore Pty Ltd MMA Prestige Vessel Yes 083185693 Level 10, 12-14 The Esplanade, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
MMA Offshore Pty Ltd MMA Pinnacle Vessel Yes 083185693 Level 10, 12-14 The Esplanade, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
McDermott Australia Pty. Ltd. Lay Vessel 108 Vessel Yes 002736352 Level 5, 15-17 William St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
McDermott Australia Pty. Ltd. DLV2000 Vessel Yes 002736352 Level 5, 15-17 William St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Noble Contracting II GmbH Noble Tom Prosser MODU Yes 166643349 Suite G2, 16 Ord St, WEST PERTH, 6005, WA, Australia
Noble Drilling Australia Pty Ltd Noble Deliverer MODU Yes 106414108 Level 1, 1008 Hay St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Normand Sapura Pty Ltd Sapura Constructor Vessel Yes 142038784 Level 7, 58 Mounts Bay Rd, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Normand Sapura Pty Ltd Sapura 3000 Vessel No 142038784 Level 7, 58 Mounts Bay Rd, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Ostensjo Rederi AS Edda Fides Vessel Yes   Smedasundet 97, N-5501 Haugesund, Haugesund, 5525, Norway
Ostensjo Rederi AS Edda Fortis Vessel Yes   Smedasundet 97, N-5501 Haugesund, Haugesund, 5525, Norway
Petrofac Facilities Management Limited Northern Endeavour FPSO Yes 138094470 Level 1, 167 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Prosafe Offshore Ltd Safe Boreas Vessel No   Pavilion 5, Kingshill Business Park, Westhill, Aberdeenshire, AB32 6FL, United Kingdom
SGH Energy VICP54 Pty Ltd Longtom Pipeline VIC/PL38 Pipeline Yes 108405009 160 Harbour Esplanade, DOCKLANDS, 3008, VIC, Australia
Saipem Australia Pty Ltd JSD6000 Vessel No 000544507 Level 6, 1101 Hay St, WEST PERTH, 6005, WA, Australia
Santos Limited Mutineer-Exeter/Fletcher-Finucane Subsea Facility Other Yes 007550923 Level 7, 100 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Santos NA Barossa Pty Ltd Barossa Gas Export Pipeline NT/PL5 Pipeline Yes 109974932 Level 7, 100 St Georges Tce, Perth, 6000, WA, Australia
Santos NA Barossa Pty Ltd Barossa FPSO FPSO Yes 109974932 Level 7, 100 St Georges Tce, Perth, 6000, WA, Australia
Santos NA Barossa Pty Ltd Barossa Nearshore Gas Export Pipeline NT/PL6 Pipeline Yes 109974932 Level 7, 100 St Georges Tce, Perth, 6000, WA, Australia
Santos NA Darwin Pipeline Pty Ltd Bayu-Undan to Darwin Export Pipeline NT/PL1 Pipeline Yes 093316959 Level 7, 100 St George's Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Santos NA Darwin Pipeline Pty Ltd Bayu-Undan to Darwin Export Pipeline WA-8-PL Pipeline Yes 093316959 Level 7, 100 St George's Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Santos NA Darwin Pipeline Pty Ltd Bayu-Undan to Darwin Export Pipeline BU-1-PL Pipeline Yes 093316959 Level 7, 100 St George's Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Santos WA Energy Limited Reindeer Platform Yes 009301964 Level 9, 100 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Santos WA Energy Limited John Brookes Pipeline WA-11-PL Pipeline Yes 009301964 Level 9, 100 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Santos WA Energy Limited Reindeer Pipeline WA-18-PL Pipeline Yes 009301964 Level 9, 100 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Santos WA Energy Limited Halyard Pipeline WA-21-PL Pipeline Yes 009301964 Level 9, 100 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Santos WA Energy Limited Ningaloo Vision FPSO Yes 009301964 Level 9, 100 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Santos WA Energy Limited East Spar Pipeline WA-5-PL Pipeline Yes 009301964 Level 9, 100 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Santos WA Energy Limited John Brookes Platform Platform Yes 009301964 Level 9, 100 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Santos WA Energy Limited Spartan Pipeline WA-30-PL Pipeline Yes 009301964 Level 9, 100 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Sedco Forex International Ltd Transocean Endurance MODU Yes 089654295 Level 29/30, Forrest Centre, 221 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Sedco Forex International Ltd Transocean Equinox MODU Yes 089654295 Level 29/30, Forrest Centre, 221 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Shelf Subsea Australia Pty Ltd Southern Star Vessel Yes 618938757 60 Howe St, OSBORNE PARK, 6017, WA, Australia
Shell Australia Pty Ltd Prelude FLNG FPSO Yes 009663576 Shell House, 562 Wellington St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Shell Australia Pty Ltd Crux Platform Platform No 009663576 Shell House, 562 Wellington St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Shell Australia Pty Ltd Crux Pipeline AC/PL1 Pipeline Yes 009663576 Shell House, 562 Wellington St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Shell Australia Pty Ltd Crux Pipeline WA-33-PL Pipeline Yes 009663576 Shell House, 562 Wellington St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Solstad Australia Pty Ltd Normand Australis Vessel No 105011989 Level 6, 16 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Solstad Australia Pty Ltd Normand Frontier Vessel No 105011989 Level 6, 16 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Subsea 7 Australia Contracting Pty Ltd Seven Oceans Vessel Yes 005288406 Westralia Square, Level 15, 141 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Subsea 7 Australia Contracting Pty Ltd Seven Oceanic Vessel Yes 005288406 Westralia Square, Level 15, 141 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Subsea 7 Australia Contracting Pty Ltd Seven Pegasus Vessel Yes 005288406 Westralia Square, Level 15, 141 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Subsea 7 Australia Contracting Pty Ltd Seven Sisters Vessel Yes 005288406 Westralia Square, Level 15, 141 St Georges Tce, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Tasmanian Gas Pipeline Pty Ltd Tasmanian Gas Pipeline T/PL1-COMM Pipeline Yes 083052019 C/O Palisade Integrated Management Services, Level 37, 360 Elizabeth Street, MELBOURNE, 3000, VIC, Australia
Tasmanian Gas Pipeline Pty Ltd Tasmanian Gas Pipeline VIC/PL30 Pipeline Yes 083052019 C/O Palisade Integrated Management Services, Level 37, 360 Elizabeth Street, MELBOURNE, 3000, VIC, Australia
Tasmanian Gas Pipeline Pty Ltd Tasmanian Gas Pipeline VIC/PL30(V) Pipeline Yes 083052019 C/O Palisade Integrated Management Services, Level 37, 360 Elizabeth Street, MELBOURNE, 3000, VIC, Australia
Technip Oceania Pty Ltd Deep Orient Vessel Yes 062878719 1 William St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Technip Oceania Pty Ltd Skandi Africa Vessel Yes 062878719 1 William St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Triangle Energy (Operations) Pty Ltd Cliff Head Alpha Platform Yes 083143382 Ground Floor, 100 Havelock St, WEST PERTH, 6005, WA, Australia
Triangle Energy (Operations) Pty Ltd Cliff Head Alpha Pipeline WA-12-PL Pipeline Yes 083143382 Ground Floor, 100 Havelock St, WEST PERTH, 6005, WA, Australia
Van Oord Australia Pty Ltd Nordnes Vessel No 100142292 Milton Business Centre, Level 3, 349 Coronation Dve, MILTON, 4064, QLD, Australia
Vermilion Oil & Gas Australia Pty Ltd Wandoo A Platform Yes 113023591 Level 5, 30 The Esplanade, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Vermilion Oil & Gas Australia Pty Ltd Wandoo B Platform Yes 113023591 Level 5, 30 The Esplanade, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Burrup Pty Ltd Pluto Alpha Platform Yes 120237416 Mia Yellagonga, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Burrup Pty Ltd Pluto Twin Flowlines 1 & 2 WA-16-PL Pipeline Yes 120237416 Mia Yellagonga, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Burrup Pty Ltd Pluto 36 inch Trunkline (Gas Export Pipeline) WA-17-PL Pipeline Yes 120237416 Mia Yellagonga, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Global Pty Ltd Minerva Pipeline VIC/PL33 Pipeline Yes 006918832 Mia Yellagonga, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Global Pty Ltd Pyrenees FPSO Yes 006918832 Mia Yellagonga, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Global Pty Ltd Stybarrow Other Yes 006918832 Mia Yellagonga, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Global Pty Ltd Griffin Offshore Pipeline WA-3-PL Pipeline Yes 006918832 Mia Yellagonga, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Global Pty Ltd Minerva Pipeline VIC/PL33(V) Pipeline Yes 006918832 Mia Yellagonga, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Global Pty Ltd Macedon Wet Gas Pipeline WA-23-PL Pipeline Yes 006918832 Mia Yellagonga, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Global Pty Ltd Griffin Venture Other Yes 006918832 Mia Yellagonga, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Julimar Pty Ltd Balnaves Armada Claire Other Yes 130391365 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Julimar Pty Ltd WA-34-PL JDP3-JULB Pipeline Pipeline Yes 130391365 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Julimar Pty Ltd WA-35-PL JDP3-JUA1C Pipeline Pipeline Yes 130391365 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Julimar Pty Ltd WA-36-PL JDP3-JUA1E Pipeline Pipeline Yes 130391365 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Ltd Nganhurra Other Yes 005482986 Mia Yellagonga, Karlak, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Ltd NRA Trunkline WA-1-PL Pipeline Yes 005482986 Mia Yellagonga, Karlak, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Ltd Perseus over Goodwyn Pipeline WA-13-PL Pipeline Yes 005482986 Mia Yellagonga, Karlak, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Ltd Wanaea Cossack Gas Export (WC GEL) Pipeline WA-4-PL Pipeline Yes 005482986 Mia Yellagonga, Karlak, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Ltd NRA Second Trunkline WA-10-PL Pipeline Yes 005482986 Mia Yellagonga, Karlak, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Ltd Vincent FPSO Yes 005482986 Mia Yellagonga, Karlak, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Ltd North Rankin Complex Platform Yes 005482986 Mia Yellagonga, Karlak, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Ltd Greater Western Flank Phase 1 Pipeline WA-24-PL Pipeline Yes 005482986 Mia Yellagonga, Karlak, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Ltd Angel Platform Yes 005482986 Mia Yellagonga, Karlak, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Ltd Greater Western Flank Phase 2 Pipeline WA-27-PL Pipeline Yes 005482986 Mia Yellagonga, Karlak, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Ltd Greater Enfield Pipeline WA-28-PL Pipeline Yes 005482986 Mia Yellagonga, Karlak, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Ltd Angel Export Pipeline WA-14-PL Pipeline Yes 005482986 Mia Yellagonga, Karlak, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Ltd CWLH OKHA FPSO FPSO Yes 005482986 Mia Yellagonga, Karlak, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Ltd Echo Yodel Pipeline WA-9-PL Pipeline Yes 005482986 Mia Yellagonga, Karlak, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Ltd Goodwyn Alpha Platform Yes 005482986 Mia Yellagonga, Karlak, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Ltd GWA Interfield (GWA IFL) Pipeline WA-2-PL Pipeline Yes 005482986 Mia Yellagonga, Karlak, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Ltd Lambert Deep Pipeline WA-31-PL Pipeline Yes 005482986 Mia Yellagonga, Karlak, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Ltd Scarborough Export Trunkline WA-32-PL Pipeline Yes 005482986 Mia Yellagonga, Karlak, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
Woodside Energy Ltd Scarborough FPSO Yes 005482986 Mia Yellagonga, Karlak, 11 Mount St, PERTH, 6000, WA, Australia
ZPMC-OTL Marine Contractor Limited Hai Yang Shi You 278 Vessel No   1400 Broadfield Blvd, Suite 625, HOUSTON, 77084, TX, United States

* An asterisk next to an operator name indicates that they are the operator of a proposed facility (facility transfer is in progress) The data is accurate at the time of publication. The register is compiled from information provided by the operator of each facility. Corrections may be submitted at any time to

** A ‘no’ under 'Safety case accepted' can indicate any of the following: no submission received, submission not yet accepted, submission rejected, submission withdrawn.

Facility acronyms
FSO Floating Storage and Offtake
FPSO Floating Production Storage and Offtake  
MODU Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit

The registered operator is the person who has day-to-day management and control of the facility and its activities. For facilities where there is no associated title, lease, permit etc. (for example vessels and mobile offshore drilling units) the facility owner may nominate a party to be the operator of the facility. For facilities where there is an associated title, lease, permit etc. (for example production facilities and licensed pipelines) the titleholder (including the pipeline licensee) may nominate a party to be the operator of the facility.

Operators should use Facility operator nomination form as the standard nomination for each facility located in either Commonwealth or Victorian designated coastal waters. One form should be used for each facility. Connecting pipelines with separate licence numbers should be nominated separately.

The standard nomination form must be accompanied by a completed Analysis of operator status form. This provides the nominator an opportunity to analyse the proposed operator arrangements against NOPSEMA's operator registration decision criteria, which is: Will the nominated operator have "day-to-day management and control" [Regulation 2.3(1) of the Safety Regulations].

NOPSEMA's decision to accept or reject nominated parties as operators is made using Criteria for registration and deregistration guidance note. NOPSEMA's indicative performance measure in reaching a decision is 30 days after the regulator has received the completed operator nomination form and worksheet.

To submit an operator nomination see the Submissions page.

Where there is a new or incoming operator taking over the operatorship of a facility from an existing operator, the pipeline licensee or facility owner or titleholder (as applicable), must nominate the replacement operator to NOPSEMA. 

NOPSEMA will consider the nomination of a replacement operator in the same manner as an initial nomination.

Once the replacement operator has been registered, they must agree with NOPSEMA on the scope of validation before submitting a safety case for the 'proposed' facility. If NOPSEMA accepts the safety case, then arrangements may commence for the new operator to take over as the facility operator and this will coincide with the removal of the outgoing operator from the operator register.

For further guidance please see the replacement of a registered operator for a facility or pipeline guidance note.

It should be noted that deregistration of an existing facility operator and registration of a replacement operator will not necessarily occur at the same time. Often the existing operator will remain registered and will continue to operate the facility until the incoming operator has been registered, has agreed with NOPSEMA on the scope of validation and has had their safety case accepted.

The pipeline licensee, facility owner, titleholder or existing facility operator should use Removal of existing facility operator from operator register form to notify NOPSEMA that the existing facility operator has ceased to be the person who has or will have day-to-day management of the facility. On receipt of this notification NOPSEMA will remove the operator's name from the register of current operators.

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