Offshore project proposals
NOPSEMA publishes offshore project proposals (OPP) that are open for public comment following its determination that the OPP is suitable for publication. The public then have an opportunity to review and provide comment on the OPP.
Providing the public with opportunities for participation and consultation is an integral part of environmental impact assessment and assists in ensuring responsible offshore petroleum environmental management.
All public comment submissions, including any objections or claims about the project or an activity in the project, are to be made directly to NOPSEMA. A copy of the comments received will be provided to the proponent for their consideration. The proponent must then submit to NOPSEMA a consultation report that includes a summary of the comments received, an assessment of the merits of each objection or claim about the project or any activity within the project, a statement of their response to each comment, and a description of any changes made to the OPP as a result of an objection or claim.
If the OPP meets the criteria set out in the Environment Regulations and the OPP is accepted, NOPSEMA will publish the final OPP in full on its website.
Proposals open for comment
There are no proposals open for comment at this time.
Proposals closed for comment
Proposal details | Location | Dates | Status | Details |
East Coast Supply Project OPP
Hydrocarbons from these fields will be transported to shore via the existing CHN pipeline and |
The East Coast Project proposal is within offshore Commonwealth waters of the Otway Basin and will occur between approximately 8-35km from the coast offshore from Peterborough and Port Campbell within existing offshore petroleum permits VIC/L24, VIC/L30, VIC/L33, VIC/P44 and VIC/P76. | Public comment period: 06/01/2025 to 25/02/2025 | Closed for public comment | East Coast Supply Project OPP East Coast Supply Project public comment portal |
Gorgon Gas Development: Backfill Fields OPPChevron Australia Pty Ltd. The Development proposes to tie seven backfill fields into the existing subsea gathering infrastructure, which connects the two currently operational gas fields, Gorgon and Jansz-Io, with the Gorgon Gas Facility. Field development will be staggered, so all fields will not be developed in a single campaign. |
The seven fields are located about 200 kilometres north of Onslow and 100 kilometres north-northeast of Barrow Island | Public comment period: 09/08/2024 to 01/11/2024 | Closed for public comment |
Gorgon Gas Development: Backfill Fields OPP Gorgon Gas Development: Backfill Fields Public Comment
Goodwyn Area Infill Development OPPWoodside Energy Limited As Operator of the North West Shelf Joint Venture (NWSJV), Woodside Energy Limited (Woodside) proposes to undertake the Goodwyn Area Infill Development. The purpose of the development is to partially fill the ullage (unused production capacity) at the existing Goodwyn A (GWA) platform. |
The Goodwyn Area Infill Development is located in Commonwealth waters, ~140 km north-west of Karratha, Western Australia. The Project Area involves drilling and subsea installation in Woodside petroleum titles, WA-5-L, WA-24-L, WA-23-L, WA-7-R, WA-6-L, WA-23-L, WA-56-L, WA-57-L, WA-58-L. The Project Area, at its closest is ~30 km north of the Montebello Islands. |
Public comment period: 29/07/2024 to 23/09/2024 | Closed for public comment |
Goodwin Area Infill Development Proposal - NOPSEMA - Citizen Space |
Otway Development (OPP #7557)Beach Energy Project Description: Beach Energy (Operations) Australia Pty Ltd propose to develop the Project as a subsea development. The stages of the Project will include an initial drilling campaign operated by a semi-submersible MODU. Successful wells will be tied back to existing Otway Gas Production Pipeline (OGPP) and/or Thylacine A platform via installation of new subsea flowlines and facilities. Recovered gas will be transported through the OGPP to the onshore OGP located onshore near Port Campbell, Victoria. |
The Project focuses on Beach’s exploration permits, VIC/P43, VIC/P73 and T/30P located in the offshore Otway Basin. The Project is located approximately 20km south of the Victorian mainland and 40 km west of Tasmania (King Island) at its closest points. |
Submitted 16/2/2024
Public comment period: 18/3/2024 – 20/5/2024 |
Closed for public comment |
Otway Offshore Gas Victoria Project Proposal - NOPSEMA - Citizen Space Otway Offshore Gas Victoria Project - Offshore Project Proposal |
Dorado Development (OPP #5392)Santos Project Description: The Dorado Development proposal consists of an initial phase of liquids production, and future nearby tiebacks, with gas reinjection to optimise liquids recovery ahead of a future phase of gas export (which is outside the scope of this OPP). The project area extends across petroleum titles WA-437-P and WA-438-P, and Santos is the Operator of both leases. |
The project is proposed within petroleum titles WA-437-P and WA-438-P located in Commonwealth waters approximately 140 km offshore from Port Hedland, WA. |
Submitted: 22/09/2020 Public comment period: 20/08/2021 - 29/10/2021 Accepted: 10/02/2023 |
Accepted |
OPP - Dorado Development Offshore Project Proposal - Rev 7 - December 2022 (PDF 175MB) Statement of Reasons - Acceptance of Dorado Development Offshore Project Proposal - February 2023 (PDF 691 KB) |
Amulet Development (OPP #5242)Kato Energy Pty Ltd Project Description: KATO Energy Pty Ltd (KATO) plans to develop the Amulet and Talisman fields using a relocatable system known as the ‘honeybee production system’. |
The WA-8-L, approximately located ~132 km north of Dampier in the north-west of Australia, in water depths of approximately ~80 m. |
Submitted: 14/08/2020 Public comment period: 03/09/2020 - 15/10/2020 |
Accepted |
OPP - Amulet Development project - Rev 4 - April 2021 (PDF 70MB) Statement of Reasons - Acceptance of Amulet Development project - April 2021 (PDF 14MB) |
Corowa Development (OPP #4950)KATO Energy Pty Ltd Project description: The Corowa oil field is proposed to be developed using a jack-up mobile offshore production unit (MOPU) with oil stored on a moored floating storage and offloading facility or transferred direct to shuttle tankers. |
The Corowa field, approximately 60 kilometres from Onslow in the north-west of Australia, in water depths of approximately 90 metres. |
Submitted:16/08/2019 Public comment period: 27/02/2020 -23/04/2020 |
Accepted |
OPP - Corowa Development project - Rev 9 - April 2021 (PDF 56MB) Draft for public comment - Corowa Development Project - February 2020 (PDF 105MB) Statement of Reasons - Acceptance of Corowa Development project - April 2021 (PDF 15MB) |
Scarborough Development (OPP #4765)Woodside Energy Limited Project description: Construction of subsea, high-rate gas wells, tied back to a semi-submersible floating production unit moored in approximately 900 metres of water close to the Scarborough field. |
Greater Scarborough gas fields, approximately 375 kilometres off the Burrup Peninsula in Commonwealth waters adjacent to Western Australia. |
Submitted: 15/02/2019 Public comment period: 05/07/2019 -30/08/2019 |
Accepted |
OPP - Scarborough gas project - Rev 5 - February 2020 (PDF 25MB) OPP - Scarborough gas project - Appendices - Rev 5 - February 2020 (PDF 104MB) Statement of Reasons - Acceptance of Scarborough gas project OPP - April 2020 (PDF 253KB) |
Crux Development (OPP #4636)Shell Australia Pty Ltd Project description: A not normally manned platform, production wells, export pipeline and subsea integration system connecting to the existing Prelude floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facility |
Crux gas field, approximately 160 kilometres north-east of the Prelude field in the northern Browse Basin, offshore Western Australia. |
Submitted: 21/09/2018 Public comment period: 04/02/2019 - 18/03/2019 |
Accepted |
OPP - Crux Development - Rev 7 - August 2020 (PDF 17MB) OPP - Crux Development - Appendices - Rev 7 - August 2020 (PDF 132MB) Statement of reasons - Acceptance Crux Development project OPP - August 2020 (PDF 11MB) |
Barossa Area Development (OPP #3696) ConocoPhillips Australia Exploration Pty LtdProject description: Subsea wells, flowlines, fixed platform and floating production facilities, petroleum product export pipeline to connect to the existing Bayu-Undan pipeline in Commonwealth waters. |
Bonaparte Basin, approximately 300 kilometres north of Darwin, Northern Territory. |
Submitted: 04/10/2016 Public comment period: 13/07/2017 - 06/09/2017 Decision: 13/03/2018 |
Accepted |
OPP - Barossa Area Development - Rev 5 - March 2018 (PDF 22MB) OPP - Barossa Area Development - Appendices - Rev 5 - March 2018 (PDF 90MB) |