Living with COVID-19: Industry preparedness

18 November, 2021

NOPSEMA is continuing to work with the Australian offshore petroleum industry to reduce the risks associated with COVID-19 and prioritise the wellbeing of offshore workers while ensuring critical oil and gas supply is maintained.

As part of this work, NOPSEMA has implemented a range of initiatives. In 2020, NOPSEMA surveyed facility operators to identify what they were doing to manage the health risk posed by the emerging COVID-19 pandemic.

The survey responses were published on NOPSEMA’s website, including measures to reduce risks associated with fatigue and psychosocial hazards, to encourage better practice across the industry.

Australia is now transitioning to the next stage of the pandemic where living with COVID-19 is the norm. Because of this change, NOPSEMA has requested facility operators complete a follow-up survey to identify what measures they’re now implementing to manage the ongoing risks associated with COVID-19. 

The new survey responses will be used to update and share examples of better practice with industry. NOPSEMA also updates the examples as a result of inspection learnings and information gathered from other Australian and international regulators.

For more information see COVID-19 | NOPSEMA.

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