Managing activities that may affect Australian marine parks

23 July, 2018

On 1 July 2018, new management plans for the south-west, north-west, north, temperate east and Coral Sea Australian marine parks took effect. For more information see the Plans for marine parks take effect article published in the Regulator | Issue 2: 2018 .

Titleholders must now ensure that their offshore project proposals and/or environment plans are consistent with the zoning and rules that apply to mining operations in marine parks, that impacts on the representative values of the parks will be of an acceptable level, and in the case of environment plans, also managed to as low as reasonably practicable.

NOPSEMA has worked closely with Parks Australia to develop and publish the Petroleum activities and Australian marine parks guidance note . The guidance note outlines what titleholders need to consider and evaluate during the preparation of an environment plan and the requirements for consulting with the Director of National Parks as a relevant person during the preparation and implementation of an environment plan.


  • environmental management
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