New Underwater Cultural Heritage Guideline released
The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) has published a Guideline for Assessing and Managing Impacts to Underwater Cultural Heritage in Australian waters. It aims to assist proponents and titleholders on meeting the legislative requirements of the Commonwealth Underwater Cultural Heritage Act (2018) (UCH Act) and is relevant to all actions that may impact underwater cultural heritage (UCH) in Australian waters.
NOPSEMA encourages proponents and titleholders to consider DCCEEW’s new UCH guideline as a source of good practice guidance for identifying, assessing, and protecting UCH in Australian waters. This guidance could support content in permissioning documents to resolve some uncertainty of managing impacts and risks on UCH.
DCCEEW’s new guideline for Assessing and Managing Impacts to UCH can be found here: Assessing and Managing Impacts to Underwater Cultural Heritage in Australian Waters - DCCEEW
Titleholders are also reminded to consider NOPSEMA’s guideline on consultation with Commonwealth agencies with responsibility in the marine area, and that consultation with DCCEEW in preparation of an environment plan may be necessary in relation to potential impacts and risks of activities on UCH. This can be done by contacting