NOPSEMA begins its reconciliation journey

03 March, 2022

NOPSEMA is proud to begin its reconciliation journey by making a formal commitment in our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan, endorsed by Reconciliation Australia.

NOPSEMA is committed to its responsibility towards reconciliation and improving outcomes for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Through the RAP program, NOPSEMA joins more than 1100 corporate, government, and not-for-profit organisations that have made a formal commitment to reconciliation.

“NOPSEMA is pleased to take this significant step forward in our journey to improve our appreciation of the contribution of Australia’s First Nations peoples,” said NOPSEMA CEO, Stuart

In developing the RAP, NOPSEMA adopted a holistic approach by seeking diverse input from within the organisation and from external experts in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and reconciliation.

To date, some of NOPSEMA’s reconciliation initiatives includes attending events during National Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC week, undertaking Indigenous cultural awareness training, and fundraising for the Happy Boxes Project and Dresses for Grandmothers. The Reflect RAP details the steps NOPSEMA will take over the next twelve months to develop greater cultural awareness and strengthen relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

“This builds on NOPSEMA’s current role to ensure offshore energy companies recognise the importance of appropriately considering and managing the Indigenous cultural values of the environment,” said, Cameron Grebe, Head of Division for Environment, Renewables and Decommissioning.

As NOPSEMA’s RAP Champion, Cameron will advocate for reconciliation and ensure that it remains high on NOPSEMA’s agenda in both its corporate and regulatory activities.

It is NOPSEMA’s objective that through the Reflect RAP we can build a strong foundation of reconciliation for the organisation and our First Nationals Peoples,

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