
Feedback and Complaints

Where a stakeholder has concerns or comments relating to an administrative decision made by NOPSEMA, a NOPSEMA employee or any other matter relating to the discharge of NOPSEMA’s regulatory functions, they are encouraged to communicate those concerns or comments in writing.

NOPSEMA treats feedback and complaints on the discharge of regulatory function seriously. Feedback is acknowledged, reviewed and addressed accordingly. NOPSEMA addresses all complaints with respect and confidentiality.

How to provide feedback or make a complaint

It is NOPSEMA expectation that you are respectful and courteous when providing feedback or making a complaint, and that you will:

  • treat our staff as you would like to be treated

  • use an appropriate speaking level and tone

  • communicate without using threats, abuse or offensive language.

Our Regulatory Services Charter outlines our service standards and expectations to ensure our interaction with you emphasises timeliness, professionalism and courtesy.

To provide NOPSEMA with your feedback or to make a complaint please email

To notify NOPSEMA of an accident, dangerous occurrence call NOPSEMA’s dedicated incident notification phone line on 1300 674 472.

This line will be answered directly, at any time, depending on the type of incident chosen from the menu options. Outside of office hours, on weekends and public holidays, the duty holder may leave a voicemail with their contact details and, dependent on the incident, their call will be returned within 2 hours (from 0800hrs to 2200hrs AWST). All other calls will be returned as soon as possible on the following day.

Any occurrence of sexual harassment and/or assault at or near an offshore facility is considered by NOPSEMA to be an occurrence that could reasonably cause a member of the workforce to be incapacitated from work for a period of at least 3 days, and therefore is considered a ‘dangerous occurrence’ notifiable and reportable under Part 4 of Chapter 2 of the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Safety) Regulations 2009 and Clause 82 of Schedule 3 to the OPGGS Act 2006.

For offshore facilities in state or Northern Territory designated coastal waters (other than Victorian designated coastal waters), operators are required to make notifications and submit reports on accidents and dangerous occurrences (including monthly summaries of incident information) to the relevant state or Northern Territory agency. For example, for Western Australian designated waters notifications and reports are to be made to the Department of Mines and Petroleum.

For activities in Victorian designated coastal waters, operators are required to make notifications and submit reports on accidents and dangerous occurrences (including monthly summaries of incident information) to NOPSEMA.

Titleholders have a legal obligation under the Offshore Petroleum Greenhouse Gas Storage (RMA) Regulations 2011 (OPGGS(RMA) Regulations 2011) to report well integrity incidents to NOPSEMA within a specified period of time.

Personnel involved in a NOPSEMA inspection of an offshore petroleum or greenhouse gas storage facility may submit feedback on the inspection via email to

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