Major offshore incidents
Stena Clyde fatalities, Bass Strait, 27 Aug 2012
On 3 September 2015 the Magistrates' Court of Victoria imposed a criminal penalty of $330,000 against Stena Drilling Australia Pty Ltd for their failure to implement and maintain systems of work that were safe and without risk to health as required under clause 9(2)(d) of the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006.
Summary of Facts into the Stena Clyde Fatalities
In October 2012 NOPSEMA made an announcement regarding its preliminary findings, which have been further confirmed through its detailed investigation of the accident and subsequently validated by a number of independent expert witnesses. This announcement provides an update.
On 3 September 2015, the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria imposed a criminal penalty of $330,000 against Stena Drilling Australia Pty Ltd (Stena) for their failure to implement and maintain systems of work that were safe and without risk to health as required under clause 9(2)(d) of the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 (OPGGS Act).
By way of providing additional detail of the background to, and circumstances that led to the accident, the Summary of facts used in the criminal proceedings against Stena Drilling Australia is now available on NOPSEMA’s website.
With reference to the Summary of facts, NOPSEMA notes:
Adherence to safety management system requirements is critical to ensuring the safety of personnel, including the implementation of key safe system of work requirements such as risk assessment and toolbox talks.
A suitable and sufficient risk assessment should be carried out for all stages of the work to be undertaken. Workers involved in the task should have the opportunity to contribute to this assessment. The assessment should include a consideration of factors such as:
a sufficiently detailed breakdown of task components
equipment selection and design limits where applicable
the impact of external conditions and factors which may impact on the ability to carry out the work
identification and evaluation of associated risks and application of control measures
identification and allocation of individual roles and responsibilities.
Unusual or changed operational circumstances and procedures should be subject to a robust management of change process.
Communication is a critical part of any work offshore. Supervisors should verify that all workers involved in any task understand their role and any associated risks.
All equipment utilised in connection with any work should be fit for purpose and in good working order. If the equipment is not working correctly, a reassessment of the risks associated with the work or task should be conducted.
Dutyholders must satisfy themselves that the requirements of their safety management systems are being effectively and consistently applied.
Related Documents
Title | Type | Size | Date |
Announcement - Stena Clyde Fatalities - Summary of facts - 10 December 2015 | 124.91 KB | 10/12/2015 | |
Report - Summary of facts - Stena Drilling Australia - 9 December 2015 | 61.09 KB | 09/12/2015 | |
Media release - Stena Drilling Australia Pty Ltd convicted and fined - 3 September 2015 | 130.05 KB | 03/09/2015 | |
Media release - Stena Drilling Australia Pty Ltd pleads guilty - 27 August 2015 | 130.07 KB | 27/08/2015 | |
Media release - Update on Stena Clyde investigation - 26 Aug 2014 | 122.92 KB | 26/08/2014 | |
Announcement - Update on investigation into fatalities on Stena Clyde drilling rig - 16 June 2014 | 100.33 KB | 16/06/2014 | |
Investigation into fatalities on Sten Clyde drilling rid, Bass Strait, 27 August 2012 | 68.92 KB | 17/10/2012 | |
Media release - Independent investigation into fatal accident on Stena Clyde - 29 Aug 2012 | 97.21 KB | 29/08/2012 |