Environmental management
NOPSEMA is responsible for ensuring all offshore petroleum and greenhouse gas activities in Commonwealth waters are undertaken in accordance with the Offshore Petroleum Greenhouse Gas Storage (Environment) Regulations 2023 (the Environment Regulations).
In order to meet these regulations, all offshore petroleum activities must:
- be consistent with the principles of ecologically sustainable development
- have an acceptable level of environmental impact and risk that is reduced to acceptable and as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).
Before an activity takes place, the titleholder must demonstrate to NOPSEMA that they have:
correctly identified the environmental risks and impacts of the activity
developed an appropriate environment plan to ensure those risks will be acceptable and reduced to ALARP.
Our assessment decisions are published on our Industry Environment Plans page.
If an environment plan is rejected, we'll provide the titleholder with detailed reasons explaining why the plan didn't meet the acceptance criteria.
Environmental management compliance is monitored and regulated through inspections, investigations and enforcement action.
NOPSEMA promotes and advises on environmental management good practice, with the overall goal of improving industry performance.
We proactively seek to engage with stakeholders through:
attending liaison meetings
hosting workshops and information sessions
giving presentations
participating in industry conferences and forums.