
Contact us

Reporting an accident, dangerous occurrence or incident

To notify NOPSEMA of an accident, dangerous occurrence, environmental or structural (well) integrity incident please call 1300 674 472. This line will be answered at any time. Alternatively call within Australia on 08 6188 8990, or from overseas on +61 8 6188 8990. For more information see our report an incident page.

Feedback and complaints

We value your feedback. You can submit a complaint, raise a concern, provide information, give a compliment via our Feedback and complaints page.

Media enquiries

Media enquiries can be made in writing via email to Enquiries are responded to during Australian Western Standard Time (GMT/UTC +8:00) business hours. For urgent media enquiries, please contact 08 6188 8755.

Environmental enquiries

If you have an enquiry or would like to provide information regarding an environmental matter, please email

If you would like to make comment about a proposed exploratory drilling or seismic activity environment plan, or an offshore project proposal, you may submit this to NOPSEMA during public comment periods via our consultation hub.

Please note that as an independent regulator NOPSEMA is not able to comment on the contents of any environment plan during the assessment period. Comments and queries about environment plans should be directed to the titleholder to be considered during relevant persons consultation processes.

General enquiries

Please call NOPSEMA’s head office in Perth on +61 (0)8 6188 8700 during business hours (08:30 to 16:30 WST).

NOPSEMA office locations

Head office

Address: Level 10, 58 Mounts Bay Road, PERTH WA 6000

Post: GPO Box 2568 PERTH WA 6001

Phone: +61 (0)8 6188 8700

Melbourne office

Address: Level 25, 140 William Street, MELBOURNE VIC 3000

Post: PO Box 552, Collins Street West VIC 8007

Telephone: +61 (0)8 6188 8700



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