
Published directions and notices


As part of its regulatory functions under the OPGGS Act and to increase transparency, NOPSEMA publishes directions, prohibition notices and improvement notices. These regulatory enforcement actions are published within 7 days and no later than 21 days of issuance and the provisions for publication do not apply to any other types of notices, letters or enforcement actions issued by NOPSEMA or NOPSEMA inspectors.

Published directions, improvement and prohibition notices will not be removed when they cease to have effect, however, in the event a direction/notice is the subject of external review it will be removed. Where a direction is revoked, the direction is cancelled from the date specified in the revocation notice. NOPSEMA will ensure that as far as is reasonably practicable all personal information as defined in the Privacy Act 1988 is redacted from these documents prior to publication. When a direction or notice is marked closed, it means that the duty holder has notified NOPSEMA that the direction or notice has been complied with.

Under Part 6.2 of the OPGGS Act, NOPSEMA and the responsible Commonwealth Minister have powers to issue directions to petroleum or greenhouse gas titleholders. NOPSEMA can issue three types of directions: general directions, significant incident directions and remedial directions. The directions powers are used by NOPSEMA for enforcing compliance with the OPGGS Act and associated regulations. Failure to comply with directions is an offence.

A prohibition notice may be issued if a NOPSEMA inspector is satisfied on reasonable grounds that there is an immediate threat to the health or safety of any person or an immediate and significant threat to the environment. A prohibition notice stops the duty holder from continuing their activity and will only cease to have effect when a NOPSEMA inspector is satisfied adequate action has been taken to remove the threat specified in the notice.  Failure to comply with a prohibition notice is an offence.

An improvement notice may be issued if a NOPSEMA inspector believes the duty holder or titleholder is contravening or has contravened a provision of offshore petroleum Commonwealth OHS or environmental law and as a result there is, or could be, a risk to the health and safety of any person or a significant threat to the environment. The notice will cease to have effect when the responsible duty holder or titleholder takes the action specified in the notice. Failure to comply with an improvement notice is an offence.

Sort published directions and notices

Type Of Notice Date issued Organisation Facility / activity Notice Status
OHS Improvement Notice
Loss of position of supply vessel during cargo transfer operations 
27/03/2024 Allseas Engineering B.V. Audacia OHS Improvement Notice 1934.pdf Complied with
OHS Improvement Notice
Failure to take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure the Explosion Protected (Ex) electrical equipment installed at the Goodwyn Alpha facility is safe and without risk to the health and safety of persons.
27/03/2024 Woodside Energy Limited Goodwyn Alpha OHS Improvement Notice 1935.pdf Complied with
OHS Improvement Notice
Fire doors leading from the main accommodation stairwell to adjoining corridors on all deck levels of the facility failing to self-close or latch after passing through them.
12/02/2024 Helix Wells Ops (UK) Limited Q7000 Improvement Notice 1933.pdf Complied with
OHS Improvement Notice
Failure to take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that the crane used for well intervention operations was safe and without risk to health.
08/12/2023 Expro Group Australia Pty Ltd Pride Improvement Notice 1923 (Com).pdf Complied with
OHS Improvement Notice
As the suppliers of Pride facility, failed to take all reasonably practicable steps to carry out, or cause to be carried out, the research, testing and examination necessary to discover and to eliminate or minimise any risk to health or safety arising from the condition of the main crane
08/12/2023 FTAI Pride Labuan Ltd Pride FTAI Improvement Notice 1926 (Com).pdf Open
OHS Improvement Notice
Failure to take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that the riser tensioner high pressure hydraulic hoses, which are safety critical equipment that ensures primary well control at the facility, are maintained to ensure they are safe and without risk to health. Note: Closed pending verification.
28/11/2023 Noble Drilling Australia Pty Ltd Noble Deliverer OHS Improvement Notice 1928.pdf Complied with
General Direction
The General Direction has been varied for decommissioning of Nganhurra operations to ensure the appropriate removal of the riser turret mooring. 
04/10/2023 Woodside Energy Limited and Mitsui E & P Australia Pty Ltd Nganhurra Riser Turret Mooring Direction - 1913 - Nganhurra Operations.pdf Open
General Direction
The General Direction was issued for failure to adequately maintain the flare bridge and flare support structure, posing a health and safety risk to the workforce.
21/07/2023 Woodside Energy Limited North Rankin Complex Facility General Direction 1910 - Section 574 Woodside flare bridge.pdf Open
OHS Improvement Notice
Failure to implement appropriate controls to mitigate risks relating to work carried out to remove a pressure relief and vacuum relief valve on off-specification condensate Tank A.
19/07/2023 Shell Australia Pty Ltd Prelude FLNG facility Form - Improvement Notice 1915 - Redacted Version_0.pdf Complied with
General Direction
Woodside is directed to review all rope-access and rigging work requiring the use of clamps and to implement additional risk reduction controls measures until the recommended actions arising from the review are completed.
16/06/2023 Woodside North Rankin Complex General Direction 1914.pdf Open
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