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Australia’s first offshore wind area now open for feasibility licence applications
The Minister for Climate Change and Energy has released an invitation to apply for feasibility licences in the |
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Advice for the application of the Blue Whale Conservation Management Plan
To address questions regarding the interpretation and application of the Blue Whale C |
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Application for a safety zone form | Documents |
Application form for a safety zone variation | Documents |
Application form to revoke a safety zone | Documents |
Proper application of change management processes | Documents |
Application form for entry and presence in the area to be avoided | Documents |
Application form for authorisation to enter the area to be avoided | Documents |
Application form for entry and presence in a safety zone | Documents |
Application to undertake well activities cover sheet | Documents |
Have your say: NOPSEMA regulatory policy on Section 270
When a titleholder submits an application to the Joint Authority (JA) for consent to surrender title, the JA will consult with NOPSEMA with respect to titleholder compliance with section 270 of the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas |
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New regulatory policy on section 270 Consent to surrender title
When a titleholder submits an application |
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Safety zones and the area to be avoided (ATBA)
Safety zones are specified areas surrounding petroleum or greenhouse gas wells, structures or equipment which vessels or classes of vessel are prohibited from entering or being present in. |
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Australia’s first offshore wind zone declared
Today, the Minister for Climate Change and Energy (the Minister) declared an area in the Bass Strait off the coast of Gippsland, Victoria as being suitable for offshore renewable energy. |
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Submitting regulatory documents
Duty holders provide a large range of regulatory documents to NOPSEMA, including plans, reports, notifications and applications, as prescribed in the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act and its regulations. |
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Decommissioning involves the timely, safe, and environmentally responsible removal of, or otherwise satisfactorily dealing with, infrastructure from the offshore area that was previously used to support oil and gas operations. |
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Register of current diving safety management systems and diving project plans | Documents |
Greenhouse gas emissions and climate change
NOPSEMA recognises climate change by considering the health and safety, well integrity and environmental risks and impacts of offshore petroleum and greenhouse gas activities, supporting the development of a regulatory framework for offshore wind |
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Facility operator nomination form | Documents |
Well integrity
The Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Resource Management and Administration) Regulations 2011 commenced on 29 April 2011. |
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Major offshore incidents
Stena Clyde fatalities, Bass Strait, 27 Aug 2012 |
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Assessment process
Offshore project proposal |
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Safety case submission cover sheet | Documents |
Consultation with agencies with responsibilities in the Commonwealth marine area guideline | Documents |
NOPSEMA updates guidance on safety case content and level of detail | Blog |
Code of Conduct policy | Documents |
NOPSEMA progresses investigation into diving complaints
Following the receipt of a notification in November 2017 of a dangerous occurrence event during saturation diving operations being conducted by DOF Subsea Australia Pty Ltd as part of the Inpex Operations Australia Pty Ltd - Ichthys project, NOPSE |
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Recent developments regarding Marine Mammal Acoustic Technical Guidance
On 24 October 2024, the United States' National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) published a peer-reviewed update to their Technical Guidance for Assessing the Effects of Anthropogenic Sound on Marine Mammal Hearing. |
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Removal of existing facility operator from operator register form | Documents |
Safety zone assessment policy | Documents |
Applying for a position with NOPSEMA | Documents |
Annual performance tables 2011-20 | Documents |
Safety case lifecycle management guidance notes | Documents |
National regulator endorses project to improve access to environmental management information for offshore petroleum activities
The National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) has published for public comment the first environmental reference case covering the management of sewage, grey-water and putrescible wastes from offshore petr |
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Diving project plan (DPP) concordance table | Documents |
Privacy Statement | Documents |
Quarterly performance tables 2019-20 | Documents |
Statements of reasons under the ADJR Act policy | Documents |
The Regulator | Issue #1 2013 | Documents |
The Regulator | Issue #3 2013 | Documents |
the Regulator | Issue #4 2012 | Documents |
NOPSEMA reinforces offshore obligations under new compliance plan
NOPSEMA is implementing a compliance plan to reinforce legal requirements regarding the removal of property associated with offshore petroleum activities, under section 572 of the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006. |
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the Regulator | Issue #3 2012 | Documents |
The Regulator | Issue #2 2013 | Documents |
the Regulator | Issue #6 2012 | Documents |
Final report of an accident or dangerous occurrence occurring on 11 Jan 2012 submitted by operator to NOPSEMA | Documents |
Oil spill modelling | Documents |
HSR assistance by consultant policy | Documents |
Presentation IOGP Safety Committee Workshop - 1 March 2022 - Delivered by Derrick O'Keeffe | Documents |
Initial report of an accident or dangerous occurrence occurring on 11 Jan 2012 submitted by the operator to NOPSEMA | Documents |
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